Buying a Welsh Springer Spaniel Puppy

Please remember that buying any dog is a major commitment. You will have to devote time, money and commitment to a dog for a period which may be as long as 15 years.

A Welsh Springer is an active dog which, as an adult, needs enough of the correct kind of exercise. Welsh Springers are not happy if they are separated from people for long periods of time.

Before deciding that a Welsh Springer is right for you and your family, please read our FAQs. Ideally, you should make contact with a number of breeders, visit them and decide if this breed is right for you. You can meet breeders at dog shows or via the Welsh Springer email list.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club does not recommend breeders, however the WSSC Secretary does hold a list of breeders in the UK who have puppies available. This list can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

You might also want to consider the possibility of adopting a rescue Welsh. Members of the WSSC and the 3 regional clubs operate a rescue and re-homing scheme which is described on the Rescue and Rehoming page.

Puppies Available

Kennel Club notice regarding pricing of puppies during the Covid pandemic

In some cases, it is acknowledged that Breeders have encountered increased costs such as boarding, travel/delivery/visits to puppy buyers. Whilst the Kennel Club cannot interfere in contractual issues such as pricing, it is acknowledged that Breeders ought to be able to charge a price which reflects the market price generally. 

However, The Kennel Club does not condone or support any breeder profiteering from the current situation, that is charging a price well beyond the increase in costs or the market pricing generally.

For further guidance, we would advise to contact a Breed Club or Breed Council for current market pricing for this breed

The Assured Breeder Scheme

The Kennel Club

The puppy list has been compiled as a service to Members of the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club and is available for Club Members to advertise puppies bred by them.  It is not an endorsement of any mating or of the quality of the puppies and the Club do not accept any responsibility arising out of any subsequent sales. As members of the Club the advertisers below are bound by our Breeders Code of Ethics (see below) which helps protect the well-being of parents and puppies. As a Club we strongly recommend any potential Welsh Springer Spaniel puppy owner seeks confirmation from any breeder (Club member or not) that these ethics have been adhered to in their breeding programme.

In common with most breed clubs, our breed has a Health Group that works with research institutes and the Canine Genome Project  investigating and attempting to eradicate hereditary defects within the breed. Conditions included are Hip Dysplasia, Epilepsy, and Glaucoma but the Joint Health Group is always willing to hear from anyone who would like to tell us about any health issue that may affect their dogs. Detailed information sheets on the three conditions mentioned can be found on the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club website under the heading Health & Welfare. Anyone interested in buying a puppy is advised to read the information on the breed health prior to buying a puppy.

You are advised to make your own enquires as to the suitability of the puppies on the list.

Puppies Currently Available

Any members wishing to advertise their litter on this website should contact the Secretary in the first instance.

The following members have advised us that they have puppies available:

Contact NameContact NumberAreaPuppies AvailableReady to Leave
Kay Douglas07969 696244
North of England7 bitches10th October
Tim 07563 797217Derbyshire1 male13th October

We wish you good luck with your new puppy and hope that you will become a member of our Club in the near future. Details can be found on the website under Membership.

Breeder Code of Ethics

Welsh Springer Spaniel Breeders’ Code of Ethics:

  1. Before breeding a litter serious and equal consideration should be given to type, temperament, health and soundness.  In the choice of breeding stock it should always be borne in mind that aggression and nervousness form no part of the Welsh springer spaniel’s temperament and character.
  2. No bitch should be required to have more than four litters and no bitch should be bred from at successive seasons, unless a period of time of more than twelve months has elapsed between each season or a period of 12 months has elapsed between each litter. No bitch should be mated before the age of two years (preferably three), nor if the bitch will have reached the age of eight years at the date of whelping, unless permission has been given by the Kennel Club.  Before a bitch is mated due regard should be given to her general condition and fitness and, in the case of second or subsequent litters, her previous breeding history (including ease of whelping).
  3. All breeding should be aimed at the improvement of the breed.  Members should do everything in their power to discourage breeding from clearly inferior specimens and those members who own stud dogs should refuse stud services to such specimens.  It is recommended that all animals, particularly those to be bred from, should be tested for all current health issues.
  4. The Club and the Joint Health Group maintain that a breeder/stud dog owner, having bred a litter that has produced a fitting animal, where the condition, after tests, is deemed to be idiopathic (primary) epilepsy, should not breed from the sire/dam again.  The failure of the breeder/stud dog owner to adhere to this rule shall be considered a breech of the Clubs’ Code of Ethics and will be dealt with accordingly and may result in membership being withdrawn. This rule may be rescinded should a test for carrier animals become available.
  5. No member should breed a litter unless they have the time and facilities to devote proper care and attention to the rearing of the puppies and to the well being of the dam, and no member should provide stud services unless they are fully satisfied that the owner of the bitch has such time and facilities.
  6. No member should breed a litter unless they are reasonably sure of finding good homes for the puppies.  No puppies should leave the breeder before the age of seven weeks (preferably eight).
  7. No puppies should be exported before they are fully inoculated or before the age of three months unless they are travelling in the personal care of the purchaser or his known representatives.  Puppies should never be sold to countries where they are not protected by anti-cruelty laws.  (If in doubt consult DEFRA or the Kennel Club).
  8. Prospective buyers of puppies should be carefully screened for suitability and should be fully advised of the characteristics of the Welsh Springer Spaniel as a breed, stressing the necessity for care, grooming and ample exercise. Puppies should not be sold to homes where they will be left on their own all day.
  9. No puppy which has any known physical defect should be sold without the buyer being made fully aware of such defect and its possible consequences. Members should only sell puppies which, to the best of their knowledge and belief, are in good health at the time of sale.
  10. Each purchaser of a Welsh Springer Spaniel puppy should be provided at the time of sale with a pedigree, information about training, worming, inoculations and details of the Welsh Springer Spaniel Clubs.  No puppy that is of unregistered or partly unregistered parentage should be sold without the buyer being made aware that they will be unable to register it on the Kennel Club register.
  11. Breeders should also be prepared, if the home proves unsuitable and the buyer wishes to return the dog, that they must share the responsibility for this occurrence, albeit an infrequent one, and allow such an animal to be returned or provide assistance with rehoming if necessary.
  12. Offices and Committee Members of the Club are always ready and willing to do their best to help members with any queries or problems.
  13. From time to time it may become necessary for the Club Committees or the Joint Health Group, supported by professional advice, to seek the assistance and co-operation of breeders in eradicating hereditary complaints/illnesses. It is expected that in such an event breeders will co-operate fully with the Committees/Joint Health Group by providing such support and/or information as may be requested.

Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from Club membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.