WSSC Open Show – Saturday 29th November 2003
held at The Grange Hall, Southam, near Coventry
Judge: Mr David Howarth (Arkview)
BIS: | Mr & Mrs T Harrison’s | Ferndel Storyteller for Glenbrows JW | ||
RBIS & BOS: | Miss G A Tully’s | Sh Ch Highclare Energizer | ||
BPIS: | Mrs Ritchie & Bardgett’s | Slapestones Rysauryn |
Judge’s comments: ‘It was a pleasure to judge at such a well-organised show. The warm atmosphere inside the hall was a sharp contrast to the miserable weather outside. Exhibitors are to be congratulated on the cleanliness and presentation of their dogs. From a super entry of 119 from 90 dogs, I selected Harrison’s Ferndel Storyteller for Glenbrows JW as Best in Show. Tully’s Sh Ch Highclare Energizer was Best Opposite Sex and Reserve Best In Show. Best puppy was Ritchie and Bardgett’s Slapestones Rysaurin.’ | ||
DOG CLASSES Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry) |
1st: | Ritchie & Bardgett’s | Slapestones Rysauryn |
‘Only seven months but so full of promise. Good head with well-shaped eyes, correct length of muzzle, well-boned, good angulation both ends. Such positive hind action for one so young. Best puppy in show.’ | ||
Puppy Dog (5 entries, 1 absent) |
1st: | Butler & Atkinson’s | Cleavehill Dewi |
‘Nine months, lovely neck and shoulders. Good depth of chest. Moved as one with his very capable young handler.’ | ||
2nd: | Revill & Taylor’s | Julita Ruby Robes |
‘Pleasing head with correct shaped eyes, gentle expression, Good reach of neck, correct topline, just needs to steady on the move.’ | ||
3rd: | Johnson’s | Ravensworth Tourmalet avec Garbeth |
Res: | Taylor’s | Cleavehill Rhos |
Junior Dog (3 entries) |
1st: | Troth’s | Taimere’s Turnabout for Collinsmore |
‘At just 12 months, the youngest in the class, but so promising. Correct head, strong neck, well boned legs, tight feet. Well balanced throughout. Good muscle for his age, providing sound, steady movement.’ | ||
2nd: | Jackson’s | Menstonia Miami Vice |
‘Heavier type than 1 but with many attributes, typical expression, correct ear placement. Pleasing in front, good depth and width of ribs, in good coat and condition. Also promising.’ | ||
3rd: | Wren’s | Norlington Nutcracker at Gwynmarren |
Special Yearling Dog (7 entries) |
1st: | Curtis’s | Highclare Bosons Mate |
‘Won a strong class. Well boned, well balanced throughout. Good head, neck, and shoulders, good depth of chest, well sprung ribs, good bend of stifle. Well-developed second thigh.’ | ||
2nd: | Troth’s | Taimere’s Turnabout for Collinsmore |
3rd: | Pickles’ | Ambika Mr Malarkee among Menstonia JW |
Res: | Jackson’s | Menstonia Miami Vice |
VHC: | Bodle & Briscoe’s | Highclare Improvisation |
Novice Dog (8 entries, 2 absent) |
1st: | Butler & Atkinson’s | Cleavehill Dewi |
2nd: | Bodle & Briscoe’s | Highclare Improvisation |
3rd: | Revill & Taylor’s | Julita Ruby Robes |
Res: | Stevenson & Stratton’s | Hillpark Parade |
VHC: | Sinclair’s | Typica Forest Rascal |
Post Graduate Dog (7 entries) |
1st: | Morgan’s | Amiro The Thinker JW |
‘One I have previously admired, not flashy but so honest and free from exaggeration. Compactly built throughout. Good head with just the correct amount of work. Well-laid shoulders. Good ribcage with plenty of heart room. Well-muscled quarters. Held his topline on the move.’ | ||
2nd: | Bailey’s | Daelyb You Got Me Rocking |
‘Another good one, just lacking the maturity of the winner. Excels in head neck and shoulders. The best mover in the class. His day will come.’ | ||
3rd: | Monday’s | Haslemount Monarch with Ambika |
Res: | Wren’s | Saanu Copper Beech at Gwynmarren JW |
VHC: | Popkin’s | Julita American Redway |
Limit Dog (8 entries, 2 absent) |
1st: | Gardner’s | Julita Royal Recruit |
‘A new one to me, excellent outline and balance. Good head and neck. Straight in front, good depth of chest. Good turn of stifle leading into well let down hocks.’ | ||
2nd: | Pickles’ | Menstonia Michelangelo JW |
‘Another good dog with lots of attributes. Pleasing in head, neck and shoulders. Strong quarters, short hocks. Presented in good coat.’ | ||
3rd: | Tully & Duce’s | Highclare Trade Secret |
Res: | Greenwood & Burrows’ | Telkaro Seventh Wonder |
VHC: | Taylor’s | Highclare Viking Venture |
Open Dog (3 entries) |
1st: | Harrison’s | Ferndel Storyteller for Glenbrows JW |
‘My star of the show. He has matured into a super specimen of the breed. Good head, masculine but not overdone, with an intelligent, kind expression. Long, muscular neck leading into well-laid shoulders. Good body properties, strong quarters which he used well on the move. Presented to perfection. Surely that elusive third CC cannot be far away! Best Dog and Best in Show.’ | ||
2nd: | Gills’ | Brenros Drop Dead Gorgeous |
‘Another well-balanced dog of correct size. Well boned, with good depth of chest. Refined head. In good coat.’ | ||
3rd: | Buckwell’s | Killena Dance Into The Light |
Special Working Dog (3 entries) |
1st: | Duncan’s | Ch & Ir Sh Ch Highclare Stormtrooper |
‘Old favourite of mine, proving that you can combine brains and beauty! Masculine, but not coarse. Good head neck and shoulders, good ribs and bone. Strong quarters enhanced by well-developed second thigh. Greying now but his many qualities carried him through to Reserve Best Dog.’ | ||
2nd: | Barkley’s | Sh Ch Parkmist Mr Frisk JW |
‘Worthy Champion, retaining many of his qualities. Well-balanced body. Pleasing head. Moved away with drive. Obviously enjoying himself!’ | ||
3rd: | Smith’s | Highclare Fully Charged at Isfryn |
Veteran Dog (6 entries, 1 absent) |
1st: | Barkley’s | Sh Ch Parkmist Mr Jinks |
‘Now 8 years, how time flies! Age is being kind to this one, still retains his good colour and condition. Correct head, good front. Well-boned legs. Good bend of stifle. Very enthusiastic on the move.’ | ||
2nd: | Jackson’s | Menstonia Magic Memory |
‘7 years. Lovely head with kind expression. Good shoulders and front. Correct topline. In good condition. Moved soundly.’ | ||
3rd: | Gorman’s | Sh Ch Dalati Briog of Walgoreg |
Res: | Popkin’s | Solva Iago |
VHC: | Michie’s | Scotties Lad of Tobermyn |
Special Beginner’s Dog (7 entries, 1 absent) |
1st: | Monday’s | Haslemount Monarch with Ambika |
‘Third in Post Graduate. Standing looked the part. Lovely head neck and front. Clean outline. In good coat and condition. With a bit more animation he would have done better.’ | ||
2nd: | Jackson’s | Menstonia Miami Vice |
3rd: | Bodle & Briscoe’s | Highclare Improvisation |
Res: | Gibson’s | Ravensworth Obolus |
VHC: | Wren’s | Norlington Nutcracker at Gwynmarren |

Part of the dog line-up, from left: Ferndel Storyteller for Glenbrows JW (Open), Julita Royal Recruit (Limit), Amiro The Thinker JW (Post-Grad).
BITCH CLASSES Minor Puppy Bitch (3 entries) |
1st: | Johnson’s | Slapestones Rysadanata with Garbeth |
‘7 months, litter sister to Best Puppy and with so many of the same attributes. Good head, soft feminine expression. Well-laid shoulders. Correct body length. Good bend of stifle. In lovely coat. Moved particularly well behind.’ | ||
2nd: | Harrison’s | Glenbrows Paper Angel |
‘Another promising baby with many of the same virtues. Close to the winner. I just preferred the head and overall balance of 1 on the day.’ | ||
3rd: | Lown’s | Darriansar Briar |
Puppy Bitch (4 entries) |
1st: | Michie’s | Tobermyn Tangle |
’11 months, pretty and ultra-feminine. Lovely outline. Straight front, correct topline and tail set. Strong quarters. Good legs and feet. Best Puppy Bitch.’ | ||
2nd: | Palmer’s | Julita Ruby Reception |
‘9 months. Good head, front and ribs. Delightful temperament. Needs to come up on leg to complete the picture.’ | ||
3rd: | Rooke’s | Cleavehill Ty-Bran at Sarzeau |
Res: | Taylor’s | Cleavehill Bry Bee |
Junior Bitch (6 entries, 2 absent) |
1st: | Smith’s | Coedmawr Rhosyn at Isfryn |
‘At 14 months, is beginning to develop into a good exhibit. Well-balanced head with a kind eye and soft expression. Correct body length. Strong quarters leading to a good tail set.’ | ||
2nd: | Wakeman’s | Highclare Specify |
‘Also 14 months. Good neck and shoulders. Well-boned legs. In good coat. Promising.’ | ||
3rd: | Buckwell’s | Menstonia Love In A Mist for Killena |
Res: | Mackness & Gately’s | Russethill Roberta |
Special Yearling Bitch (7 entries, 2 absent) |
1st: | Smith’s | Isfryn Ghost Swift |
‘One I have previously admired and on closer inspection was not disappointed. So honest from nose to tail. Good head and shoulders. Correct in front. Good width of quarters. Well balanced all through.’ | ||
2nd: | Taylor’s | Cleavehill Dyfi |
‘Lovely head. Well-sprung ribs, short coupled. Hocks well let down. Moved freely.’ | ||
3rd: | Tully & Carr’s | Highclare Queens Logic |
Res: | Walton’s | Hillpark Crimson Glory |
VHC: | Greenwood’s | Telkaro Lace |
Novice Bitch (6 entries, 1 absent) |
1st: | Michie’s | Tobermyn Tangle |
2nd: | Buckwell’s | Menstonia Love In A Mist for Killena |
‘Good head, neck and shoulders. In good coat. Moved out well.’ | ||
3rd: | Palmer’s | Trosley String Of Pearls |
Res: | Brand’s | Telkaro Crystal |
VHC: | Mackness & Gately’s | Russethill Roberta |
Post Graduate Bitch (7 entries, 2 absent) |
1st: | Knowles’ | Menstonia Smarty |
‘Never seen this one looking so well. Not glamorous but so honest and sound through. Correct head with well-defined stop. Clean muscular neck leading into well-laid shoulders. Good length and width of body. Strong quarters. Strong round feet. Reserve Best Bitch.’ | ||
2nd: | Leary & Hall’s | Haslemount Harmony |
‘Pretty head. Well-shaped eyes. Good reach of neck. Strong quarters. In good coat and condition.’ | ||
3rd: | McLellan’s | Julita Rustic Roseanna at Clanelm |
Res: | Morgan’s | Amiro Baccanal |
VHC: | Atkinson’s | Menstonia Moulin Rouge |
Limit Bitch (12 entries, 3 absent) |
1st: | Caldwell’s | Highclare Spring To Action for Cerysan |
‘Headed a strong class that would have graced a championship show. Another honest exhibit. Sound and typical throughout. Lovely head and expression. Clean long neck. Well-laid shoulders. Correct topline. Well-developed hindquarters. Moved well. With more coat, would have challenged for top honours.’ | ||
2nd: | Leary & Hall’s | Haslemount Harmony |
3rd: | Duncan’s | Redfrith Aberfeldy |
Res: | Ritchie’s | Slapestones Spring Star |
VHC: | Barkley’s | Parkmist Miss Temptation JW |
Open Bitch (3 entries) |
1st: | Tully’s | Sh Ch Highclare Energizer |
‘Well known exhibit with many virtues. Back in coat. Well balanced. Good reach of neck, strong quarters, god bend of stifle. Moved with enthusiasm. Well presented. Best bitch, Reserve Best In Show.’ | ||
2nd: | Hartley’s | Ferndel Cameo on Weslave |
‘Another one of top quality. Good head neck and shoulders. In good body and coat. On this form will sure gain that elusive third CC.’ | ||
3rd: | Gorman’s | Lijanda Blodwen of Walgoreg |
Special Working Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent) |
1st: | Ritchie’s | Ch Steelriver Rysa |
‘One I have previously judged and has probably improved with age. Belies her 7 Years. It is a credit to the breed when we can see quality like this in the working class.’ | ||
2nd: | Smith’s | Coedmawr Rhosyn at Isfryn |
Veteran Bitch (6 entries, 2 absent) |
‘These 3 are all a credit to their owners and breeders.’ | ||
1st: | Revill’s | Ch Julita Ryvanda |
‘Impressive throughout. At 9 years old, still looks as well as ever. In super coat and condition. Tail never stopped wagging.’ | ||
2nd: | Knowles’ | Sh Ch Menstonia Mustique |
‘Seven years old. One I have always liked not disgraced by coming second here. Quality from head to tail.’ | ||
3rd: | Ritchie’s | Ch Steelriver Rysa |
Res: | Frost’s | Mossland Foxy Lady |
Special Beginners Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent) |
1st: | McLellan’s | Julita Rustic Roseanna at Clanelm |
‘Third in Post Grad. Good head, typical expression. Good clean neck, good ribs and depth of body. Moved very well.’ | ||
2nd: | Wakeman’s | Highclare Specify |
3rd: | Frost’s | Mossland Foxy Lady |
Res: | Brand’s | Telkaro Crystal |