BITCH CLASSES Judge’s comments: ‘ Could I thank the members of the WSSC for giving me the opportunity to judge the bitches at this show and could I also thank my co-judge Pam Tew for her knowledge and approach to making the final decisions.A few thoughts which may help to explain my judgements. We all have a picture of the ideal dog in our heads when we judge any breed. My picture of the Welsh Springer is an unexaggerated spaniel who has a head, neither lean nor chubby, with a kind and expressive outlook derived mainly from the eye set, colour and shape. Bodily the standard tells us they must not be long nor should they be upstanding with leg length in proportion to depth of body. Their movement should be fluid extending well to both front and rear but should not be that which we would expect from a Setter. During judging I found five exhibits with level bites, which I treated as any other fault, taking what I believe is a positive stance and setting it against the dog’s attributes. Our main problems, I perceive on this entry, is a general shortage of the correct type.’ |
Minor Puppy Bitch (5 entries) |
1st: |
Ritchies’ |
Slapestones Venus |
2nd: |
Thomas’ |
Bowdonia Tu Tu Tango |
3rd: |
Clarke’s |
Tigerrock Eye Of The Storm |
Res: |
Davidson & Wells’ |
Pamicks Miss Understood by Benchmark |
VHC: |
Madden’s |
Cavwellies Windblossom with Madsprings |
Puppy Bitch (8 entries) |
1st: |
Leary’s |
Haslemount Heulwen JW |
2nd: |
Clarke’s |
Tigerrock Spark In The Dark |
3rd: |
Gatley’s |
Russethill Rose Finch |
Res: |
Morgan & Roberts’ |
Cwrt Afon Hafina |
VHC: |
Buckwell’s |
Killena Lady In Red |
Junior Bitch (5 entries) |
1st: |
Revill’s |
Freckles Caiza Varg with Julita (Imp.) |
2nd: |
Barkley’s |
Cherryheath’s Miss Chief |
3rd: |
Shorts’ |
Cwsscwn Northern Soul of Toftwood |
Res: |
Smith’s |
Cherryheath’s Miss Hustle |
VHC: |
Harrisons’ |
Amiro Fairy Story for Glenbrows |
Special Yearling Bitch (5 entries) |
1st: |
Dods & Caffrey’s |
Gellyburn Damselfly JW |
2nd: |
Janes’ |
Coedybrain Nelli |
3rd: |
Michie’s |
Tobermyn Dawn Chorus |
Res: |
Steadmans’ |
Menstonia Gold Dust for Stedigan |
VHC: |
Bonser-Hadfield & Hadfields’ |
Pamicks Winter Wonder |
Novice Bitch (11 entries) |
1st: |
Clarke’s |
Tigerrock Spark In The Dark |
2nd: |
Gatley’s |
Russethill Rose Finch |
3rd: |
Smith’s |
Cherryheath’s Miss Hustle |
Res: |
Neilsons’ |
Aindrea Electra King at Llawkrik |
VHC: |
Kent’s |
Overday Once Upon A Time |
Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent) |
1st: |
Ordish’s |
Goldsprings Final Fling |
2nd: |
Ellis’ |
Pamicks Petal On The Wind |
Post Graduate Bitch (10 entries, 1 absent) |
1st: |
Morgan & Roberts’ |
Cwrt Afon Llona |
2nd: |
Ritchies’ |
Hillrobin Galaxy at Slapestones JW |
3rd: |
Clarke’s |
Tigerrock Eye Of The Tiger |
Res: |
Caldwell’s |
Cerysan Purely By Chance |
VHC: |
Frost’s |
Menstonia Musetta at Cochnaid |
Mid-Limit Bitch (4 entries, 2 absent) |
1st: |
Clarke’s |
Tigerrock Eye Of The Tiger |
2nd: |
Barkley’s |
Parkmist Miss Flirtatious |
3rd: |
Jacksons’ |
Ardinia Angel Baye |
Res: |
Frost’s |
Menstonia Musetta at Cochnaid |
Limit Bitch (13 entries, 2 absent) |
1st: |
Waltons’ |
Hillpark Royal Gold |
2nd: |
Knowles’ |
Menstonia Madonna |
3rd: |
Janes’ |
Coedybrain Glynis |
Res: |
Rees’ |
Coedybrain Carys at Typica JW |
VHC: |
Frost’s |
Menstonia Misty Memories of Cochnaid |
Open Bitch (4 entries) |
1st: |
Anderson’s |
Sh Ch Aindrea Giacinta JW |
2nd: |
Jacksons’ |
Sh Ch Cleavehill Roseilly Baye via Ardinia JW ShCM |
3rd: |
Janes’ |
Coedybrain Eirianne |
Res: |
Rileys’ |
Ravensworth Madeleine |
Special Beginners Bitch (11 entries) |
1st: |
Clarke’s |
Tigerrock Eye Of The Tiger |
2nd: |
Smith’s |
Cherryheath’s Miss Hustle |
3rd: |
Kent’s |
Overday Once Upon A Time |
Res: |
Bonser-Hadfield & Hadfields’ |
Pamicks Winter Wonder |
VHC: |
Whites’ |
Fiergen Private Dancer |
Special New Members Bitch (3 entries) |
1st: |
Smith’s |
Cherryheath’s Miss Hustle |
2nd: |
Kent’s |
Overday Once Upon A Time |
3rd: |
Thomas’ |
Drws Y Coed Glwys Ferch |
Veteran Bitch (7 entries) |
1st: |
Rileys’ |
Ravensworth Florin JW |
2nd: |
Caldwell’s |
Highclare Spring To Action for Cerysan |
3rd: |
Barkley’s |
Parkmist Miss Temptation JW |
Res: |
McLellan’s |
Julita Rustic Roseanna at Clanelm |
VHC: |
Dean’s |
Kazval Castaway to Pasondela |
Special Working Bitch (6 entries, 2 absent) |
1st: |
Bell & Palmer’s |
Glanhafon Gwennol |
2nd: |
Smith’s |
Isfryn Ghost Swift |
3rd: |
Steadmans’ |
Menstonia Gold Dust for Stedigan |
Res: |
Thomas’ |
Drws Y Coed Glwys Ferch |
Special Shooting Bitch (5 entriest) |
1st: |
Bell & Palmer’s |
Glanhafon Gwennol |
2nd: |
Morgan’s |
Amiro The Wild Swan |
3rd: |
Smith’s |
Isfryn Ghost Swift |
Res: |
Dean’s |
Kazval Castaway to Pasondela |
VHC: |
Thomas’ |
Drws Y Coed Glwys Ferch |